Wednesday 1 June 2011

Development: Pulling Everything Together

Before I start going wild with light sensitive paper and polaroid I've decided to sit down, gather all my ideas so far and decide what I want to do with them - which to drop, which to develop etc. Firstly the drop. Am quite happy with the TTV shots I've taken. In the last session before we broke up for half-term I had a little play with photoshop (tweaked curves, contrast and added silly effects) so have a couple of variations on the theme. Quite like this one - albeit still prefer the original! Nothing else I really want to do with this so, whilst it serves as an image demonstrating the developmental process, I've probably come to a dead end with it now.

Next the feet. Have been plodding along with this one for what seems like forever. The biggest issue is it doesn't particularly fit the brief. Whilst the processes I've used tick the expected boxes (the bath is empty, the roses photocopies, the text hand written and scanned) the final image isn't really a fantasy landscape.... have been thinking long and hard about whether I should call it a day or tweak it to fit. Taking the animation I linked to the other day as inspiration I've decided to create the 'landscape' through sound effects and subtle motion. Am aware it's getting very late in the day for this but am happy with the image as it stands (albeit not quite fitting the brief) and feel even if I run out of time it would still stand as an idea I was developing. Have gone back to the freesoundproject and found a couple of appropriate audio files: I'm going heavy with the symbolism so have chosen a nightingale (love and death!) accompanied by a dripping tap. I've bunged them into audacity and created a single file so now 'just' need to tweak the image to convey a sense of movement! At the moment I'm thinking of sending the roses bobbing about and shifting the layers of text slightly... have also considered sending a couple of clouds across but haven't a clue how to do it! Will have to play with this and see how it goes. Image (with text layers) below.

The next image was the result of a failed experiment. Was trying to photocopy ink in water to use as clouds in a landscape... Unfortunately the ink just sank to the bottom and all the swirly pretty stuff was on the surface which the photocopier clearly couldn't see! Ditched it and tried pouring water slowly into the dish whilst scanning. Really liked the slightly industrial effect that resulted - felt the dish looked like a porthole and the pouring water rain. Decided to stick some figures in the 'window' but struggled to find anything suitable. I then remembered I had some scans of old photos of my grandparents. Tried one out and this was the result - am slightly biased as I love this image of my grandparents! Sent it to Steve for feedback and he sent back some suggestions as to how I could tweak it to fit the brief better. Decided I don't want to fit the brief better as I like the image as it is! Think the best option with this one would be to use it as part of a bigger image... so am going to temporarily put this one on hold!

Lastly I have a collection of images which I planned to collage together in order to create a woodland scene. The basic idea was to re-create a story I loved as a child, The Folk of the Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton, but to give it a darker twist. I have several images of derelict buildings, broken windows, drainpipes etc and also have a HDR image of Perry Wood (uploaded previously) which would have served as the canvas. The main issue I have with this one is I feel everyone seems to be going down the cut and paste route and unless done well it can look completely naff! When we were given this brief I was really keen to ditch all the technology and create effects without being dependent upon photoshop. Obviously the idea as it stands hasn't avoided that at all. Whilst I like the idea the means of producing it leaves me cold, have therefore decided to put this one on hold also.

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